“Enyi Ga Achi” also known as Gwo Gwo Gwo Ngwo by the legendary Nigerian musician Mike Ejeagha, originally released in the mid-20th century, has recently gone viral thanks to Nigerian comedian Brainjotter, who frequently used the track in his comedy skits.
This exposure has led to a surge in popularity, with people on platforms like Facebook and TikTok embracing the song and creating their challenges.
The production retains its vintage charm, brilliantly highlighted through its modern resurgence. The track’s timeless appeal is evident in its ability to captivate new audiences and inspire a wave of social media creativity.
You can show your support by listening to this incredible piece. Adding to your playlist means you have one of the most sweetest tunes in the world. Could you write a comment under the post in the comment section?
Listen to “Enyi Ga Achi (Gwogwogwongwo) by Mike Ejeagha” here.
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